ZANE Business Projects
ZANE helps to people in the high-density areas around Zimbabwe’s major cities to start their own businesses. In this way ZANE is enabling communities to become self-sufficient and is helping to re-build Zimbabwean society.
Example of a ZANE Business Project
Here is a report from a ZANE business project co-ordinator:
The Embroidery Project that was started at the end of 2012 continues to grow and develop. The ladies have been working hard on how they would like to run this project and see it grow. We have had training sessions on various aspects of cutting and sewing, with emphasis on quality control and keeping to standards. We have also done basic training on marketing and pricing and focusing on market research which will lead to expanding the product line. This area of running a business is understandably new to the ladies. They have shown much interest and been enthusiastic on how it can all work together. I am trying to encourage them to always look at who their target market is and before going ahead and making products, which has generally been the case.
We sent 25 cushion covers, which were beautifully made, packaged and labelled to Colorado USA. This was a small step and a good start for the project. The ladies were so encouraged and excited by doing this. I see huge potential in this project and we are currently looking at purchasing an embroidery machine if we can raise enough money. ***** and ***** have been tasked with getting quotes for a good embroidery machine and a straight sewing machine.
It is heartening to see the difference in attitude in the five ladies working on this project, they have taken ownership, are full of gratitude at the chance to learn and earn! They are showing an increased sense of purpose and higher self-esteem. I have watched as they grow in confidence in such a short time, ***** in particular, who is generally very quiet and reserved, came out of her shell slowly and started contributing ideas and praying for the group this month. She is a single mother of five children and she shared that her greatest desire is to see her children go to school. We discussed how this can be a reality and how we can achieve this.
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