Over five million people in Zimbabwe require urgent food aid – a huge number of them children. In addition, thousands of children are not attending school, their parents unable to afford the school fees. Zimbabwe is a country in Southern Africa facing famine and extreme poverty.

ZANE: Zimbabwe a National Emergency is a UK based charity providing aid and relief to the most impoverished communities in Zimbabwe. ZANE Kids is a ZANE initiative aimed at encouraging children and young people in the UK to raise money for destitute children in Zimbabwe, in turn understanding and empathising with children so much less fortunate.

ZANE Kids enhances and transforms the lives of children in Zimbabwe. Your school can help us reach more children in desperate need of help. Some key facts about Zimbabwe today:


  • Zimbabwe is now one of the poorest countries in the world.
  • Over five million people require urgent food aid.
  • Zimbabwe has no welfare state. Children can only attend school if their parents can pay the school fees. People can only receive medical treatment if they can afford to pay for it.
  • Over 90% of people are unemployed.

ZANE Kids supports a number of projects in Zimbabwe aimed at improving the lives of thousands of children living in extreme poverty. These projects include providing pop-up classrooms in townships, paying for essential classroom equipment, funding teaching mentors, a clubfoot correction programme and providing hearing aids for deaf children.


We are asking UK school children to organise fundraising for ZANE Kids, eg, by coming to school dressed in the colours of the Zimbabwe flag – red, black, green and yellow – in return for a £1 donation to ZANE. Schools can choose to run activities alongside this such as learning key facts about Africa or drawing African animals. Children could spell out the word Zimbabwe with their pound coins in the playground. The idea is to encourage children in the UK to think about children in Zimbabwe and to raise funds to make a tangible difference to the lives of children so less fortunate than themselves.


  • £240 covers the entire cost of the treatment for one child with clubfoot
  • £490 will bring the gift of sound to one child
  • £550 will pay for the equipment for twelve children attending a popup classroom in a township for an entire year.

If you have other fundraising ideas for ZANE Kids, we’d love to hear from you.

To let us know your school is able to take part or for more information, please contact us.

© 2024
ZANE - Zimbabwe a National Emergency
Registered Charity No: 1112949

company number 05604011
Registered address:
2 Church Street, Bladon, Oxon OX20 1RS


Fundraising Regulator