Video Introduction to ZANE
and ZANE Radio

The video below gives an overview of the different aspects of ZANE’s work in Zimbabwe.

ZANE Radio


Audio and video updates from ZANE’s friends and partners on the ground in Zimbabwe

Episode 27 – Susannah talks to Marjorie

20 June 2022 (4 mins 15s)

Episode 26 – What Fred Would Like to Say

31 January 2022 (4 min 10s)

Episode 25 – Frank’s Survival Story

15 October 2021 (5 mins 38s)

Episode 24 – Pensioner and Former Teacher Jenny
11 August 2021 (2 mins 46s)

Episode 23 – Interview with Mr M, a Commonwealth Veteran
22 June 2021 (4 mins 50s)

Previous episodes of ZANE Radio can be found here:

We have also filmed some short interviews with pensioners who are being helped by ZANE:

Jean's Story (1 min 50s)

Margaret's Story (1 min 31s)

Tony's Story (1 min 40s)

© 2024
ZANE - Zimbabwe a National Emergency
Registered Charity No: 1112949

company number 05604011
Registered address:
2 Church Street, Bladon, Oxon OX20 1RS


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