ZANE Online Conference November 2020

Date: 10/11/2020, 14.00-15.30 (UK time)

Location: ZOOM

Lockdown Zimbabwe: The Crisis Deepens

An Online Presentation from ZANE.
Tickets £10 per Zoom screen. Screens may be shared by more than one person.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first received basis

The event will be a Zoom webinar. Confirmation of your place will be sent to your email address and the link to join the conference will follow by Monday 9 November.

You can purchase tickets here using PayPal. Please note that you do not need a PayPal account to do this – you can use your credit or debit card.




If you do not wish to pay online, please contact us if you would like to come.

There will be a moderated question and answer section. Please submit your questions in advance to

  •  Host: John Hayns

    Host: John Hayns


  • Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind QC

    Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind QC

    Former Foreign Secretary and Defence Secretary

  • Tom Benyon OBE

    Tom Benyon OBE

    Founder of ZANE

  • Senator David Coltart

    Senator David Coltart

    Human Rights Lawyer and former Zimbabwean Minister of Education

  • A Member of ZANE's team from Zimbabwe

    A Member of ZANE's team from Zimbabwe

  • HMA Melanie Robinson

    HMA Melanie Robinson

    United Kingdom Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Former Executive Director World Bank

© 2024
ZANE - Zimbabwe a National Emergency
Registered Charity No: 1112949

company number 05604011
Registered address:
2 Church Street, Bladon, Oxon OX20 1RS


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